Exit Valued Client Questionnaire Let's make it "PERFECT" Question Title * 1. Please enter your first name, last name and state: Full name Your state Question Title * 2. Given the amount of time you've put forth into your Perfect Personal Training program, how do you feel about your progress? I am ecstatic about my progress! I am more than satisfied with my progress I am somewhat satisfied but would like to improve my program I have not progressed as well as I believe that I should have I have not progressed as well I could have due to my own lack of program adherence Other (please explain) Question Title * 3. How can we make your program better? (Choose as many as you'd like) Sending another PPT provider on days when my current provider is unavailable Replacing my current PPT provider with a different PPT provider Incorporate a greater variety of exercises Incorporate a greater variety of equipment Change or add a new location for my sessions Provide more specifics relating to meal planning Provide more encouragement for program adherence Send me a reminder before each appointment Schedule a call for me with Client Support Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. We offer coaching to all aspects of the wellness spectrum. How do you feel about the amount of contact you receive from PPT outside of your sessions? I would enjoy the benefit of more coaching, contact and follow-up between sessions I like the amount and type of contact and coaching provided by PPT already I like the amount of contact from PPT but let's focus on new areas I would prefer to have less contact from PPT between sessions Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Is/are your PPT provider(s) generally on time for your sessions? Yes, generally on time and well-prepared Generally on time, but somewhat scattered or unprepared My PPT provider(s) could slightly improve his/her/their timeliness or preparation My PPT provider(s) has been late or unprepared more frequently than I would like Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. How would you describe your rapport with your PPT provider(s)? (Check all that apply) I would prefer to reduce the small-talk and focus more on my goals and health and wellness topics I would prefer to reduce the small-talk and have less conversation, in general I would enjoy more conversation, humor and generally friendly chit-chat I feel that our conversations are generally appropriate for the atmosphere of my sessions I find it easy to talk to my PPT provider(s) I find my PPT provider(s) to be somewhat difficult for me to connect with personally My PPT provider(s) can be a bit intimidating to express concerns with Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How do you feel about the difficulty of your exercise sessions? I find them challenging but enjoyable They may be too challenging to stick with for the long-term I would prefer a somewhat lighter session on some or most days I would prefer a more invigorating and aggressive program as long as it remains within safe guidelines N/A : My PPT program does not involve exercise Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. How would you best describe PPT as a whole? PPT works dilligently toward personalizing my long-term preventive health plan PPT provides quality exercise specialists and provides general health advice PPT is a matching service for personal trainers and clients Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Which of the following best describes the way you see Perfect Personal Training? I see Perfect Personal Training as my long-term, science-driven, progressive health & wellness provider I see my PPT program as a temporary way to improve the science of my fitness & nutrition choices I see my PPT program as a short-term way to hold myself accountableto a regular plan I see PPT as a tool for getting general advice regarding my health Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. We are here to help! How should a PPT Client Services member reach you to discuss these answers? By phone By email Prefer not to discuss Tell Us More: Send to PPT