I enjoyed the educational video?
The video was just the right length to watch?
The video helped me understand how to manage my daily activities given my condition?
I found the video content to be practical and useful?
The video was easy to follow and understand?
The video has prompted me to consider changing my health care behavior?
The video made learning about health a better experience than I would have had otherwise?
Staff explained what medication they should take and how and when to take it?
During discharge planning, I received information I could understand about what symptoms or problems I may experience?
The Parker staff took my preferences and those of my family into account in deciding what my health care needs would be when I left Parker?
After watching the video, I feel more confident in caring for my condition?
After watching the video, I clearly understood the purpose of taking each of my medications?
After watching the video, I had a good understanding of the things I was responsible for in managing my health?
After watching the video, I feel more confident about symptoms and health problems to look for when I leave Parker?