Screen Reader Mode Icon Check SCREEN READER MODE to make this survey compatible with screen readers. WACEP Membership Survey Question Title * 1. How many years have you been a member? First year Less than 5 years More than 5 years Not currently a member OK Question Title * 2. Age <30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60 OK Question Title * 3. Please check all that apply: Attended at least 1 meeting or event in the past year Have accessed the website in at least once in the past year Have read at least e-news in the past year Current member of a committee or the board OK Question Title * 4. Members join for a variety of reasons. We are interested in learning more about what is most valuable to you. Please rank the following reasons that are most relevant to you. 1 being the most relevant, 9 being the least relevant. OK Question Title * 5. How would you rate the overall quality of the member benefits? Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Unsure Comments OK Question Title * 6. Please rate the overall quality of each of the following member benefits Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Don't use but am aware of Was not aware of Social and professional networking Social and professional networking Excellent Social and professional networking Very Good Social and professional networking Good Social and professional networking Fair Social and professional networking Poor Social and professional networking Don't use but am aware of Social and professional networking Was not aware of Information sharing and resources Information sharing and resources Excellent Information sharing and resources Very Good Information sharing and resources Good Information sharing and resources Fair Information sharing and resources Poor Information sharing and resources Don't use but am aware of Information sharing and resources Was not aware of Education and Training Education and Training Excellent Education and Training Very Good Education and Training Good Education and Training Fair Education and Training Poor Education and Training Don't use but am aware of Education and Training Was not aware of Advocacy Advocacy Excellent Advocacy Very Good Advocacy Good Advocacy Fair Advocacy Poor Advocacy Don't use but am aware of Advocacy Was not aware of OK Question Title * 7. What member benefit could be added to make your membership more valuable? OK Question Title * 8. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your membership? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied OK Question Title * 9. If a colleague were to ask your advice on joining a professional association, how likely would you be to recommend WACEP? Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Other OK Question Title * 10. How likely are you to renew your membership Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Other OK Question Title * 11. Please share any other comments you have below: OK DONE