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1. NEWS: Where do you mostly get your news to stay informed on current issues? (Please select three options)

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2. ELECTRONIC UPDATES: Have you found the e-newsletters I have sent you in the past helpful or informative, and what would be the ideal frequency?

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3. SURVEYS: Would you be interested and respond to surveys on the issues we’re looking at during the legislative session? (format would be similar to this one)

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4. FACE TO FACE: I understand that it’s not always easy to meet in person, but sometimes it’s the best way to get your point across. Please rank the following options where 1 is your most preferred scenario, and 3 is your least.

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5. REPLYING: If you contact my office with a question or a concern, how would you prefer I get back to you?

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6. SOCIAL MEDIA: Would you be interested in learning more about what I do if I were to share updates on a social media platform?

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7. TELEPHONE TOWN HALLS: Some people really like this option because they don’t have to leave their homes to participate in a one-hour conversation with their elected officials, but other folks don’t share that opinion. How do you feel?

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If you have other ideas for me to communicate with you, please share them here. You can also leave me a comment with your feedback.

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Your responses are anonymous, so if you’d like a personal reply send me an email or leave your name and phone number in the box below (optional).