1. Half-way 2015 Summer BootCamp Survey

You've made it halfway through TK-Fit's 2015 Summer Outdoor Boot Camp, I want to know how it's going and how to make it the best experience possible. Can you share your feedback by taking 5- 10 minutes to answer the following questions? Your answers will not be shared and your honest answers are appreciated!

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your name (optional):

Question Title

* 2. What aspects of Summer BootCamp have been useful to you? Please rate based on your experience thus far.

  I've opted not to participate Working well for me Could be improved Not working for me
Pre-BootCamp Orientation
Summer BootCamp Location
Quality of the workout
Length of the workout
Program communication
Instructor's availability for questions
Instructor's ability to motivate
Instructor's concern for safety
Optional Weigh-ins
Social aspect/meeting new people
Online Forum

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* 3. Have you set a specific, measurable goal for the end of the program?

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* 4. If you have set a goal, do you feel as though this program has given you the resources needed to reach it?

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* 5. Are you being challenged?

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* 6. What can I do to further assist you in making the most out of this program?

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* 7. What can YOU do to help yourself make the most of this program over the next 20 days?

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* 8. Optional: Please share any additional information or feedback you'd like me to know