JWN Special Area Zone Amendments

Survey Instructions

Please respect the integrity of this community opinion survey and submit only one survey response per JWN member. This system will allow one survey per device, if you have multiple JWN members, please use another device.

Land use and zoning Issues can be complex. Please read questions carefully.

Before taking this survey, please read the “Quick Guide to the Jefferson Westside Neighbors’ Proposal for Zone Amendments to the Jefferson Westside Special Area Zone and the Chambers Special Area Zone.”  We recommend opening  the page in another window so you may reference it during the survey. A map of the impacted zones is below (blue is S-JW, yellow is S-C/R-2).

Need clarifications or other help before completing the survey? Send an email to jwneugene@gmail.com, and someone will try to respond within 24 hours.
JWN Special Area Zones: Blue is S-JW, yellow is S-C/R-2
1.Have you read the “Quick Guide” (via the above url)?
2.Do you reside or own residential property in the JWN?
3.Please check in which of the S-JW and/or S-C/R-2 areas you reside and/or own residential property (see maps on webpage).
4.The S-JW Zone and S-C Zone’s “R-2” subarea currently allow TWO dwellings on “standard” lots that are between 4,500 and 8,999 square feet. The City Planning Division has proposed allowing FOUR dwellings on these standard lots.

The JWN Executive Board opposes doubling the allowable dwellings on “standard” lots.

Do you support or oppose doubling the allowable dwellings on “standard” lots from TWO to FOUR per lot?
5.The S-JW Zone and S-C Zone’s “R-2” subarea currently allow a “standard” lot to be divided into two smaller, non-standard lots, including lots that are accessible only on an unimproved alley. ONE dwelling is currently allowed on lots smaller than 4,500 square feet and/or accessible only by an alley. The state mandates now require allowing TWO dwellings no matter how small the lot is or whether there is street access to the lots.

The JWN Executive Board supports removing the current provision in order to no longer allow creation of additional non-standard lots until at least such time as the State mandate is revised for non-standard lots.

Do you support or oppose removing the current provision that would now allow lots to be divided into ADDITIONAL nonstandard lots that could then have double the allowable dwellings (TWO instead of ONE)?
6.The State-mandated additional dwelling on nonstandard lots could be limited to only interior or attached dwellings, rather than also allowing detached dwellings, which would lessen potential impacts. This would apply to existing nonstandard lots, as well as future nonstandard lots, if they are still allowed to be created.

The JWN Executive Board supports limiting additional dwellings on nonstandard lots to allow only interior or attached dwellings.

Do you support or oppose limiting additional dwellings on nonstandard lots to allow only interior or attached dwellings?
7.The S-JW Zone and S-C Zone’s “R-2” subarea currently require one parking space per dwelling, which can be satisfied by any combination of on-street (curbside) and off-street parking spaces. State mandates now prohibit requiring an off-street parking space for a second dwelling. Without changing the parking requirements, most lots would now not require any off-street parking even if the lot had TWO dwellings.

The JWN Executive Board supports removing the current provision that allows on-street parking to count towards parking requirements.

Do you support or oppose removing the current provision that allows on-street parking to count towards parking requirements, so that a lot with TWO dwellings would require at least one off-street parking space?
8.The S-JW Zone and S-C Zone’s “R-2” subarea currently allow “large” lots (9,000 square feet or over) to have ONE dwelling for every 4,500 square feet, which means every one of these larger lots can have at least TWO dwellings. Eugene Planning Division staff have recommended DOUBLING the allowable dwellings on these lots, e.g., FOUR instead of TWO, SIX instead of THREE, and so forth.

The JWN Executive Board opposes doubling the allowable dwellings on “large” lots.

Do you support or oppose doubling the allowable dwellings from TWO to FOUR, and so forth, on “large” lots?
9.Please provide any additional comments, clarifications or suggestions you would like.
10.Optional: Sign up for the latest updates. Please provide your email address. The JWN does not share personal information.