DPA Impacts

Impacts of expanded DPA Policy

RDAA is very concerned about the potential impacts of the Government's policy, to expand Distribution Priority Area (DPA), on access to GP services in rural and remote communities.  This will have a particular impact on the recruitment and retention of overseas trained doctors.

Please complete this survey and we will be monitoring the information closely.  If our concerns are realised we will push Government to take swift action.   Government will respond best to real examples so please help us to ensure they quickly understand the impacts, if our concerns become reality.

RDAA thanks you for your continued support and we will continue to work with Government and Department to support rural and remote doctors across Australia, and improve access to medical services in these communities.
1.Which state is your practice is located in?
2.What is the modified monash model classification of the practice where you work?
3.The change to expand Distribution Priority Area DPA was announced 21 July 2022, have you had an overseas trained doctor GP or GP registrar resign/leave from your practice since this date?
4.Was this resignation/departure unexpected?
5.How long did the overseas trained doctor work in your practice/service?
6.Has there been more than one resignation of overseas trained doctors working in your practice since the 21 July 2022?
7.Have any of the overseas trained doctors who have resigned provided information on where they will work next?
8.When you advertise a position, has there been a change in the type/number of applicants you receive? (tick more than one if applicable)
9.Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered