Network Rail, ADEPT and IPROW are undertaking a review of the Public Rights of Way Level Crossings on the Rail Network Memorandum of Understanding, as it’s now 5 years since it was first signed and circulated. It is important that as part of the review, views from all parties help to inform how useful it has been over the last 5 years and thoughts on how it could be revised, particularly acknowledging the existence of the subsequently published Guidance Note on Sections 118A & 119A Highways Act 1980.
2.Job title(Required.)
3.Local authority (only LHAs to respond)
4.Route area (only NR to respond - please tick all that apply)
5.Were you aware of the MoU prior to this survey?(Required.)
6.Has the MoU been effective in your area?(Required.)
7.How have LHA/Network Rail relations and processes been since the publication of the MoU?(Required.)
8.Do you think the 'Scope of the Document' requires any amendment?
9.Do you think the 'MoU objectives' requires any amendment?
10.Do you think the 'Principles' requires any amendment?
11.Do you think the ‘Communication between Network Rail and LHAs’ requires any amendment?
12.Do you think the ‘Level Crossings and Public Rights of Way Changes’ requires any amendment? NB: this will likely be condensed due to the published Guidance Note that followed on from the MoU
13.Do you think the ‘Pre-Application Consultation’ requires any amendment?
14.Do you have any other suggestions for the MoU review or equally please explain any recent or live issues that you believe the MoU could be amended to help address?