The purpose of this survey is to gather how many hairdressers have been impacted in the recent storms and to evaluate how BTC can come togoether to utilize our relationships and resources to help.

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* 1. Please Enter Your Information:

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* 2. Are you a:

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* 3. How were you personally impacted by the hurricane? Please check all that apply:

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* 4. In your own words, please share whatever you can about how your salon community has been affected by the storm:

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* 5. If you are willing to share your experience with us please load photos you will consent us to use in getting your message across.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 6. You may add a second photo here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 7. You may add a third photo here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 8. You may add a fourth photo here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 9. If you were personally impacted, what did you lose in the storm?

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* 10. My tools were destroyed. Please check the boxes for which tools were destroyed:

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* 11. My color was destroyed/lost. What brands of products do you use? (Choose ALL that apply)

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* 12. My care and styling products were destroyed/lost. What brands of products do you use? (Choose ALL that apply)

Please share information about what impact the hurricane has had on the salons in your community.

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* 13. What is the name of your larger community?

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* 14. How many salons are in your community?

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* 15. How many salons do you believe (out of that number) were affected by the storm?

Please share as much information as you can of 5 stylists/salons who have been MOST affected by the storm?

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* 16. Please enter their Information:

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* 17. Please enter their Information:

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* 18. Please enter their Information:

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* 19. Please enter their Information:

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* 20. Please enter their Information:

If there are others you know who have been impacted by the storm, please share this link with them. Thank you!
Are there any local charities or groups that are gathering to help those in need? If so, please share them here:

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* 21. Please enter their information:

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* 22. Please enter their information:

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* 23. Please enter their information:

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* 24. Please enter their information:

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* 25. Please enter their information:

Thank you for sharing this information. Our goal is to gather as much information of those hairdressers who are in need in an effort to utilize our relationships and resources to help....and bring hope!

Mary & Team