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By completing this survey, you can elect to be in a drawing for one of up to 4 $25 amazon gift cards.

TSHA will be utilizing this survey to collect data regarding membership, practicing settings and surrounding practice and billing trends. Similar data has been utilized in other states with the support of ASHA to advocate for adequate reimbursement for services being provided to Medicaid beneficiaries. Questions will collect data on network adequacy as well as current road blocks in insurance coding and billing. Participating in this type of data collection is contributes to the advocacy efforts in our field. We anticipate this survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

If you are not directly involved in billing and reimbursement, but have access to a billing coordinator, you can work with them to complete the section related to billing and reimbursement. Have questions? Contact us at

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* 1. What is your work address zip code?

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* 2. Please identify which best describes your current role.

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* 3. Please describe your primary work setting(s). Check all that apply

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* 4. Do you work in or with public schools?