Practitioners Institute Inquiry Form

1.Enter the name of your organization (Required.)
2.Enter your organization's webpage or website link(Required.)
3.Enter the contact person for your organization(Required.)
4.Enter the contact person's phone number (work and cell)(Required.)
5.Enter the contact person's e-mail address(Required.)
6.Please select your organization's geographic reach(Required.)
7.Please select your organization type(Required.)
8.Please choose a virtual offering (if applicable)(Required.)
9.Please choose an in-person offering (if applicable)(Required.)
10.Please describe the neighborhood/community you currently serve/intend to serve (size, economic status, density, etc.)(Required.)
11.What is your community's strength(s)?(Required.)
12.Briefly describe your organization and partner organizations that will participate in the visit to the Harlem's Children's Zone(Required.)
13.Why does your organization want to visit?(Required.)
14.How many years has your organization been in existence?(Required.)
15.What is your organization's budget?(Required.)
16.What are your primary funding sources? Please list the percent of your funding that comes from private and public sources.(Required.)
17.How many employees (full-time and part-time) does your organization employ?(Required.)
18.What element(s) of the Harlem Children's Zone model most interest you and why?(Required.)
19.How did you hear about Harlem Children's Zone? (website, social media, news article/tv segment, book, friend or colleague, college, etc.)?(Required.)
20.Are you affiliated with any federal initiative (i.e., Promise Neighborhood, Choice Neighborhood, NRI, etc.)?(Required.)