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We all have experienced a global health emergency in the year 2020, the COVID-19. The pandemic has led to a substantial loss of human life and presented unprecedented challenges in public health, in the  world of work, and the training paradigm globally. 

In one or the other way it must have affected your work as well. However, humankind has successfully sailed through the adversities of COVID-19. In this post pandemic era, the needs to excel as a humanitarian professional have also changed and we are here to know your necessities. Through this survey we would like to know the knowledge, skills, hands-on training and demos  in Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction you would like to revisit or learn from scratch.  

The results from this survey will  enable us to understand the needs of the people/organizations working in the humanitarian/development sector (NGOs, Government) from the lens of making disaster resilient and sustainable development. 

We request you to share your opinions honestly and openly in this survey.  Please make sure you are allocating 15-20 minutes for this survey. 

Thank you for your participation and your valuable inputs.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Sex

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* 3. Email Id

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* 4. Your Designation

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* 5. Name of your organization:

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* 6. Type of your organization:

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* 7. Total experience humanitarian response or DRR experience

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* 8. Select the specialised sectors in which you are working :

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* 9. Click on the training programs you have attended at any stage in your professional career as a humanitarian.

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* 10. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 for the below technical skills/knowledge. Where 
          1 - No Knowledge
          2 - Minimal knowledge, unable to apply
          3 - Some knowledge, some application
          4 - Good knowledge, applied
          5 - Full command, applied effectively

  1 2 3 4 5
Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS)
Code of Conduct (CoC)
Sphere Standards
Psycho-social first aid
Humanitarian Accountability
Children and women protection, gender-based violence, psycho-social, diversity, equality and inclusion
Continuity of Education services in Disasters
Continuity of Nutrition services in Disasters
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) promotion
Continuity of Health services in Disasters
Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience 
Needs Assessment during Emergencies

Question Title

* 11. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 for the below operational skills/knowledge. Where 
            1 - No Knowledge  
            2 - Minimal knowledge, unable to apply
            3 - Some knowledge, some application
            4 - Good knowledge, applied
            5 - Full command, applied effectively

  1 2 3 4 5
Leadership/response coordination
Program Management
Effective team working
Rapid and follow-up Needs Assessment
Response Planning
Proposal Writing (including log frames)
Safety and Security
Humanitarian Standards and Frameworks (CoC, Do no harm, Sphere, etc)
Monitoring and Evaluation in Emergencies
Humanitarian Advocacy
Working with communities and Accountability to affected populations
Child focused and child sensitive programming
Gender in Emergencies
Environmental Impact in Emergencies
Emergency Operating Procedures Vs Standard Operating Procedures
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Mentoring/Coaching/Training of others
Staff Wellbeing (Including psychological first aid)

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* 12. To plan better emergency management in post COVID-19 times, which training programs do you need to enhance your skills and capacity? (Select any 5 options)

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* 13. What would be the best suitable methodology for you to enhance your skills? (Select any 3 options)

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* 14. Have you ever participated in an online/web-based humanitarian training?

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* 15. If you get an opportunity, will you participate in an online/web-based humanitarian training?

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* 16. If you get an opportunity, will you participate in a practice based/hands-on humanitarian training?

0 of 16 answered