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The Selby Trust and Cruse Bereavement Care- the leading national bereavement charity - want to work together so the community can access support if they are affected by bereavement. 
We are currently working to develop this service and we want to learn more about your experiences of support. We would be incredibly grateful if you could help us by answering the following questions:

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* 1. Has a bereavement or death impacted your mental health and wellbeing (at any time or during the pandemic)?

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* 2. Did you or are you receiving any support outside of friends and family following this (any length of time after)?

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* 3. Would you want to learn about bereavement, loss and trauma so that you can support your friends and family?

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* 4. Any other comments- please share anything you would like to around bereavement and your experiences.

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* 5. Please tell us about your relationship with The Selby Trust (for example, which service do you access)

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* 6. If you would be happy for us to contact you to learn more about your experiences and ideas for support, please complete your preferred contact details:

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* 7. Are you are happy for the information you have supplied to be used anonymously to seek funding to develop bereavement support?

Your information will not be used for any other purposes without your consent. 
Cruse Bereavement Care and The Selby Trust comply with General Data Protection Requirements.
Cruse's privacy policy can be found here
The Selby Trust policy can be found here

 Thank you for completing this questionnaire.
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