The City of Lemoore is in the process of updating the General Plan, which will guide future decisions on a variety of topics, including land use, housing, circulation, open space, conservation, safety, noise, public facilities, economic development, community design, and public health. The General Plan ultimately guides how the City will accommodate the needs of the community for the next two decades.
Please fill out this survey to help us understand the community's preferences for the future development of Lemoore. Your input is very important to us. 
If you did not make it to the community meeting on February 28th, 2017, visit our website to view the presentation and other background information. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes you?

The next three questions refer to several different growth scenarios, the existing 2030 General Plan, Moderate Growth, and High Growth. We would like to know which features you like about each scenario. With that information, we will construct a Preferred Growth Scenario based on a combination of desired features.

The land uses for each scenario are illustrated in a map above the question. The light colors represent existing land use, and the darker colors are potential land uses for that scenario. You do not need to understand the maps in order to answer the questions, but they can be very helpful. If you have trouble understanding these maps, please contact us.

Larger version of map legend here

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* 2. Check the features you like about the existing 2030 General Plan (pictured above) from the following list:

  Yes No No Response
Annex land in the north to use for more housing
Annex land in the southeast to use for more housing
Annex land in the east to use for more housing
Annex land north of the 198 and west of the 41 to use for housing and shopping
Expand job opportunities throughout the City
More multi-family and student housing near West Hills College
Intense development around West Hills College

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* 3. Check all of the features you like about the Moderate Growth Alternative (pictured above) from the following list:

  Yes No No Response
Diversify housing; provide an array of residential density options to support all income levels.
Maintain compatible land uses: Locate sensitive land uses away from sources of noise
Diversify commercial Options: increase regional and highway commercial areas to provide a range of options for residents
Protect prime agriculture; promote infill and contain development within City limits
Enhance the Downtown; provide a mix of commercial retail options, design policies, and redevelopment
Create a connected circulation system; provide travel infrastructure for all modes of travel
Enhance neighborhood centers; strategically locate commercial centers to serve surrounding neighborhoods
Integrate neighborhoods; establish walkable neighborhoods that are adjacent to parks, schools, and commercial areas

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* 4. Check all of the features you like about the High Growth (Expansion) Scenario (pictured above) from the following list:

  Yes No No Response
Build new High School Northwest of the City Boundary
Expand existing High School (no new High School)
Regional shopping center at the intersection between 41 and 198
Shopping and employment opportunities along 41 and 198
Annex land in the southeast to use for public facilities (e.g. medical center or school) 
City gateways 
Revitalize Downtown with cultural center, entertainment, and tourist amenities
Annex land in the southeast to use for housing 
Annex farmland in the southeast for development
Establish neighborhood centers
Promote the development of Accessory Dwelling Units (i.e. Mother-in-Law Units)
Connect neighborhoods with bike lanes and sidewalks
Improve safety for all modes of transportation: walking, cycling, and driving
Expand grid network in the southeast area to serve development
Recreational park along the canal with bike and pedestrian paths

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* 5. How did you hear about this survey?

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* 6. Do you have other comments?