1. Introduction

17% of survey complete.

The aim of this survey is to share and discuss insights and trends in Business Assurance (BA) and to provide telecom operators and their BA functions with business value improvement paths.

To prepare for this survey, you may view the full set of 2024 questions.


The survey is anonymous, and the data received will be processed confidentially. No references to individuals or individual companies will be made in the analysis of the survey data and in the results.

Who should participate?
  • Revenue assurance professionals
  • Risk Management professionals
  • Business Assurance professionals
  • Fraud management professionals
  • Billing operations professionals
  • Finance control professionals

The survey takes 15-20 minutes to complete and consists of 38 straight-forward questions.

Survey Deadline - Participants are kindly invited to submit the survey by Friday, 27-Sep-2024.