United Way Toronto and McMaster University have formed an important research partnership with a number of academic and community partners to examine the issue of precarious employment. Precarious employment is characterized by:
• Limited benefits
• Limited control over work schedules
• Limited job security
• Limited career advancement
• Economic insecurity
The research study will look at how this type of unstable, poorly paid employment affects families and communities.
The team is seeking people to participate in case study research. Individuals must be between 25 and 60 years old, not a full-time student and should have worked a minimum of 20 hours per week for the past 3 months in jobs with the employment characteristics described above.
What your will be asked to do:
Research will consist of an interview lasting approximately 45-60 minutes to be held at a time that is convenient for you, with a possible additional interviews in the Fall of 2012 and Fall 2014. Future participants will be randomly selected from those participating in this phase of the project. Most interviews will be conducted in English and will be completely confidential. There may be some opportunities to conduct interviews in other languages.
Selected participants will be offered an honorarium of $25 in recognition of their time for the initial interview, with additional payments for further interviews. A travel subsidy will also be provided.
This study will provide important information about the nature and extent of precarious employment and its impact on households and families. The findings will be used to raise awareness, encourage debate and advocate on behalf of those in precarious employment.
Please complete the following application form to participate in this study.