2025 FAFP Participation Request - Volunteer Opportunities

​FAFP members are encouraged to engage and represent family medicine in Florida through participation at meetings that require FAFP involvement (e.g., AAFP and FMA meetings).  Deadlines for volunteers to indicate their interest in participating are provided below, the FAFP will reimburse travel expenses for those who are selected to participate.  FAFP staff will be in contact with candidates once an application to participate is submitted.  Any questions in the meantime, please contact Jay Millson, FAFP EVP/CEO (jmillson@fafp.org)

1.First Name:(Required.)
2.Last Name:(Required.)
3.Medical training (select MD or DO):(Required.)
4.AAFP/FAFP Member Number:(Required.)
5.Email address: (Required.)
6.Cell Phone Number:  (Required.)
7.Please indicate your interest in participating in the events provided below before the deadline indicated:(Required.)