This survey is for long-term care settings in Washington State. WA Department of Health is gathering information on topics of interest for an upcoming quarterly call series for long-term care on infection prevention. No identifiable information will be collected and all questions are voluntary. We appreciate your input.

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* 1. Please indicate what type(s) of facilities or settings you represent:

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* 2. What are the trusted sources where you currently get information on infection prevention recommendations for your setting(s)?

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* 3. How do you prefer to get information on infection prevention recommendations for your setting(s)?

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* 4. Would you be interested in a quarterly call to discuss infection prevention issues in long-term care?

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* 5. Which of following topics are most interesting to you for quarterly calls on infection prevention issues in long-term care?

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* 6. Which of the following would be most helpful to you on a quarterly call on infection prevention issues in long-term care?

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* 7. What kinds of panelists would be most helpful to you on a quarterly call?