Civic Tech event follow up
Why did you participate in this event?
On a scale of 1- 3 how much did you enjoy the event?
I didn't enjoy it
1 star
It was okay
2 stars
I thought it was really good
3 stars
What did you like about it?
What didn't you like about it?
What was the most interesting or useful thing you got out of the event?
We struggled with Zoom and daily changes which affected how much participation we could enable. We have also discovered that Zoom does not record Q&A during a webinar so we have lost all of your questions! Eik!!!!
We would like to remedy that by enabling post event questions by recording sessions with founders your missed.
Please let us know if you we not able to participate in a founder session, Or if you have a question that you would like one or all of the speakers to answer.
Please share any other feedback you have with us now and get in touch with Amelia at if you would like to discuss your Civic Tech idea or support the development of Civic Tech and Civic Innovation in Australia.
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered