2021 Moving Forward Business Survey |
The Maine Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (MACCE), in partnership with the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, and the Maine Tourism Association (MTA), have created the following survey for Maine business leaders called the 2021 Moving Forward Business Survey.
The goal of this survey is to capture the thoughts, concerns and ideas from our small, medium and large businesses in Maine, in order to get a full picture view at where we stand heading into a new year. This survey will give us critical insights into the state of business in Maine as it currently stands and should also capture a collective outlook for what is needed to help our businesses succeed, and how you think we can get there.
The timing and intent of this survey is to produce a full report in the early weeks of January that we can share with the incoming State Legislature to say, ‘this is what the businesses of Maine are saying they need right now.’ It will be an essential tool for our organizations to use in the coming months as policies are being created to solve our biggest business needs.
With that, this survey will take 22-28 minutes to complete the 30 questions and 6 identifying questions. On the surface that may seem like a large commitment, but with the future of Maine business being critically important to all of us, we would hope that you can make the time to give us the feedback needed. To that end, there are six open-ended questions in the survey, and we would encourage you to use that space to be as pragmatic as possible. We want to know how you would solve the critical issues that are identified.
The survey will close on December 28th at noon, which will give us 10 days or so to analyze the results and create a report with the findings. There is a spot at the end of the survey to leave your e-mail address should you want a copy of the final report.
If we receive a statistically-significant amount of responses in specific industries or from specific regions of the state, we should be able to drill down even further into those sub-groups to get even more valuable data. Should this happen we would then share the results with county and municipal leaders to make even more lasting change. With that being said we encourage you to share this survey with your industry colleagues, and other businesses in your region.
The goal of this survey is to capture the thoughts, concerns and ideas from our small, medium and large businesses in Maine, in order to get a full picture view at where we stand heading into a new year. This survey will give us critical insights into the state of business in Maine as it currently stands and should also capture a collective outlook for what is needed to help our businesses succeed, and how you think we can get there.
The timing and intent of this survey is to produce a full report in the early weeks of January that we can share with the incoming State Legislature to say, ‘this is what the businesses of Maine are saying they need right now.’ It will be an essential tool for our organizations to use in the coming months as policies are being created to solve our biggest business needs.
With that, this survey will take 22-28 minutes to complete the 30 questions and 6 identifying questions. On the surface that may seem like a large commitment, but with the future of Maine business being critically important to all of us, we would hope that you can make the time to give us the feedback needed. To that end, there are six open-ended questions in the survey, and we would encourage you to use that space to be as pragmatic as possible. We want to know how you would solve the critical issues that are identified.
The survey will close on December 28th at noon, which will give us 10 days or so to analyze the results and create a report with the findings. There is a spot at the end of the survey to leave your e-mail address should you want a copy of the final report.
If we receive a statistically-significant amount of responses in specific industries or from specific regions of the state, we should be able to drill down even further into those sub-groups to get even more valuable data. Should this happen we would then share the results with county and municipal leaders to make even more lasting change. With that being said we encourage you to share this survey with your industry colleagues, and other businesses in your region.
Thank you in advance for investing your time into this vital survey. If you have any questions please send them to Cory King at the Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber who formatted the survey on behalf of the collaborators. Cory can be reached at executivedirector@midcoastmaine.com