Spokane Shares the Road

1.How old are you?(Required.)
2.Are you...?(Required.)
3.Is the total income from everyone in your family ...?(Required.)
4.Please enter your 5-didgt zip code.
5.Do you commute to work most often …?(Required.)
In the past 30 days, how often have you …?
6.Read a text message while driving?(Required.)
7.Typed a text message or email while driving?(Required.)
8.Talked on a hand-held cell phone while driving?(Required.)
9.Talked on a hands-free phone while driving?(Required.)
How acceptable or unacceptable do you feel it is for a driver to …
10.Talk on a hand-held cell phone while driving?(Required.)
11.Talk on a hands-free phone while driving?(Required.)
12.Read a text message or email while driving?(Required.)
13.Type or text a text message or email while driving?(Required.)
How much of a threat do you personally find it if other drivers are …?
14.Talking on a cell phone?(Required.)
15.Texting or emailing on a cell phone?(Required.)
16.Speeding on residential streets?(Required.)
17.Running red lights?(Required.)
18.Driving after drinking alcohol?(Required.)
19.Driving after using marijuana?(Required.)
20.What would stop you from using your cell phone while driving? (Check all that apply)(Required.)
21.As a pedestrian, how safe do you feel crossing at an unmarked crosswalk?(Required.)
22.As a pedestrian, how safe do you feel crossing at a marked crosswalk?(Required.)
23.How likely are you to dress in bright visable colors when you walk or ride a bicycle?(Required.)
24.How safe do you feel it is for a person to walk or ride a bicycle in Spokane County?(Required.)
25.How safe do you feel it is to ride a bicycle in a bike lane in Spokane County?(Required.)
26.What driver behaviors make you feel unsafe walking or riding a bicycle in Spokane?
27.What environment characteristics or improvements make you feel safer walking or riding a bicycle in Spokane?
Thank you very much for your participation! Spokane Shares the Road