
Welcome and thank you for your interest in this study. This study is exploring new ways of measuring health, as well as the relationship between ideas about health and their relationship to symptoms of anxiety and depression. You must be 18 years old or older to participate in the study. The principle investigator for this study is Bryant Moore. He is a doctoral student in the Department of Clinical Psychology at Antioch University New England, Keene, New Hampshire. Bryant is conducting this study for his dissertation work under the supervision of his advisor, Dr. Kathi Borden.

Purpose of the Project:
This study explores the relationships among physical, social, and mental health. The goal is to develop a positive measure of wellbeing.

You will first be asked to answer demographic questions. You will then be asked to fill out several brief measures to assess your overall health, functioning, and wellbeing. These measures will take a total of 10-15 minutes.

Benefits of Participation:
One possible benefit of participation in this study is helping psychologists improve their understanding of how people experience meaningful living. This may help psychologists and other health professionals assist people when they are in need of help. The study does not focus on any individual’s wellbeing or mental health. Instead, all participants’ answers will be anonymous, no participant’s identity will be known, and only group data will be used.

The risks of participating in this study are expected to be minimal. The questions of this survey may cause some discomfort, as they ask about your thoughts related to death, isolation, and meaninglessness. In the unlikely event that you experience distress and would like help, you can find a therapist in your area using Psychology Today (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists) or by consulting your insurance portal. If you experience thoughts of suicide or harming yourself, please call 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

The survey is set so I will not have access to any identifying information.
All records of this study will be kept private. Only my research team will have access to the survey data. Your answers will be kept anonymous. The data will be stored on a password protected computer owned by the primary researcher. Any report of this study will be presented as group data and will not identify any persons.

Participation in this survey is voluntary. If you choose to be in this study, you may stop at any time without penalties. To do so, simply exit the survey before clicking the “submit” button at the end. Once your answers are submitted, they cannot be removed, as it is impossible to know which anonymous answers are yours.

Should you have any questions about your rights as a participant, contact Dr. Kevin Lyness. He is the Chair of the Antioch University New England Human Research Committee, (603)283-2149, klyness@antioch.edu. You may also contact Antioch University New England Provost, Dr. Shawn Fitzgerald, (603)283-2356, sfitzgerald3@antioch.edu. If you have any questions about this study or participation, please contact Bryant Moore, mooredissertation@gmail.com.

By consenting to participate, you are attesting that you are at least 18 years of age. If you consent to participate in the current study, please click “Next” to begin. If you do not wish to participate, simply exit this page.