LMSC Workshop #4 - with Lisa Brown and Karen Gernert

Thank you for completing this survey! - LMSC Development-Education Subcommittee

Question Title

* 1. Please check one box for each statement about the workshop content.

  Strongly Agree Generally Agree Neutral Generally Disagree Strongly Disagree
Workshop was informative
Workshop provided information I had not previously encountered
Workshop will enable me to better perform my LMSC responsibilities
Workshop provided information I can share with other LMSC officers and members

Question Title

* 2. Please check one box next to each statement about the workshop presentation.

  Strongly Agree Generally Agree Neutral Generally Disagree Strongly Disagree
Presenter was knowledgeable about the topic.
Presentation was clear and organized.
Presenter allotted time for all questions.
Presenter answered all questions to my satisfaction.

Question Title

* 3. What other information or activities would you have liked to see included in the workshop?
Conversely, what activity or information presented did you find was not necessary or sidetracked the workshop?

Question Title

* 4. Did the presenter's materials/visuals (e.g., handouts, PowerPoint slides, etc.) help you to better absorb the workshop content?

Question Title

* 5. What could the presenter(s) have done differently, if anything, to conduct a better workshop?

Question Title

* 6. Would you recommend this workshop to other LMSC-USMS colleagues?

Question Title

* 7. Rate how this workshop would be as a webinar offered to all LMSC volunteers.

  Very Somewhat Minimal None
Usefulness of information
Success in translating from a face-to-face presentation to a phone/screen-sharing webinar format
Likelihood of other volunteers in your LMSC to attend this as a webinar

Question Title

* 8. Overall, how would you rate this workshop?

Question Title

* 9. Rank future convention workshop topics for yourself.
(Skip to Question #10 if you have already answered this on a previous LMSC Workshop evaluation.)

Question Title

* 10. General comments about this workshop and/or suggestions for future workshops.