Customer Service Survey

The Santa Monica Police Department Forensic Section strives to achieve and maintain excellence through cooperation and open communication with our customers. Please assist us in achieving this goal by completing the survey.

The Forensic Section values both positive and negative feedback. If you communicate a complaint or negative experience, please be assured that a staff member will be assigned to address your concerns and will be contacting you regarding your survey response.

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* 1. Considering your most recent interaction with Forensic staff, please indicate the laboratory process(s) with which you had contact. (Check all that apply)

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* 2. During your most recent encounter, what type of service did the Forensic Section provide? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. If Forensic staff accepted or released evidence, responded to a crime scene, assisted with an investigation, or provided court testimony, training, or other. Did the Forensic Section satisfy your request for service adequately?

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* 4. If you feel that said service was not satisfactory, please explain how better service could have been provided.

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* 5. If you’re most recent interaction with Forensic staff involved the examination of evidence, did they provide analytical results in a timely manner?

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* 6. If you feel that examination turn-around time was unsatisfactory, please provide details of the case or the evidence you are referring to.

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* 7. If your most recent interaction with Forensic staff included receipt of an analytical or crime scene investigation report, what type of analysis or work did it describe? (Check all that apply)

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* 8. Did you find the report easy to read, the format easy to follow, the conclusions easy to identify?

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* 9. If you had any difficulties in understanding the report you received, please explain in as much detail as possible.

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* 10. How would you evaluate your overall satisfaction with the services provided by the laboratory?

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* 11. How would you evaluate the level of professionalism among the laboratory personnel you encountered during your most recent contact?

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* 12. We value your positive and/or negative comments regarding Forensic Section service.

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* 13. While your contact information is not required, providing it will allow the Forensic Section to more adequately address any concerns that you have expressed in this survey.

 We appreciate your input.