School Fit Question Title * 1. How well do you feel your child’s school is preparing him/her for his/her next academic year? Very Well Well Not Very Well OK Question Title * 2. How much of a sense of belonging does your child feel at his/her school? Not belonging at all A little bit of belonging Some belonging Quite a bit of belonging Tremendous Belonging OK Question Title * 3. At your child's school, how well does the overall approach to discipline work for your child? Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well OK Question Title * 4. Given your child’s cultural background, how good a fit is his/her school? Not good at all Slightly good Somewhat good Quite good Extremely good OK Question Title * 5. How well do the activities offered at your child’s school match his/her interests? Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well OK Question Title * 6. How comfortable is your child in asking for help from school adults? Not comfortable at all Slightly comfortable Somewhat comfortable Quite comfortable Extremely comfortable OK Question Title * 7. How well do the teaching styles of your child's teachers match your child's learning style? Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well OK DONE