moneyinfo Champion Award

We’ve decided to create a new category for the MAFTA’s this year to give you, our clients, the opportunity to nominate a member of your team to give recognition for being key to the success of your Client Portal.
If you would like to nominate someone, please answer the following few questions as best you can where relevant:

Question Title

* 1. Name and Role of Nominator

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* 2. Name and Role of Nominee

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* 3. What responsibilities do they have for your Client Portal?

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* 4. How were they involved in the implementation and launch, if applicable?

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* 5. How are they involved in the day to day running of the service?

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* 6. Have they transitioned or introduced a new way of working using the portal? Please give details

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* 7. If yes to number 5, has this resulted in efficiency gains? Please give details

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* 8. Please add anything else to support your nomination