Developing flexible accreditation pathways for pain medicine training in rural settings project

This survey is intended to help us understand the size and distribution of the rural pain medicine workforce in Australia. We would be grateful if fellows, trainees and Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs) working in rural/regional areas could complete this short survey.

Help us shape rural pain medicine training and practice! If you are interested in participating in a focus group or interview, please add your name into question 5 to receive further information.

‘Regional/rural Australia’ refers to areas defined as MM2+ in the Monash Modified Model.

NOTE: This survey is intended to be anonymous; no personal identifying information is collected (except for question 5 which is optional). Only FPM staff will have access to individual survey responses. All responses will be summarised and reported in aggregate form and any potentially identifying information will be removed. Reports based on the aggregated and de-identified data may be disseminated within ANZCA or publicly. For further information or updates on this project, contact

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* 1. Are you an FPM fellow, trainee, or SIMG?

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* 2. If you work in regional/rural Australia, which towns/cities do you work in?

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* 3. Do you live in regional/rural Australia, or do you travel there for work?

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* 4. On average how many regional/rural pain sessions do you undertake per week?

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* 5. If you would like to be part of a Zoom focus group discussion or interview, please enter your full name:

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* 6. Please share any further information you would like to share with us here: