US Go Congress Survey

The US Go Congress is the single biggest go event in North America each year, drawing hundreds of go players from across the country for a week of go events. Whether you've attended a Congress or not, we'd like your opinions on a few basic questions so that we can make the Congress an even better annual event. Survey participants will be eligible for go prizes!

Question Title

* 1. Have you ever attended a US Go Congress? 

Question Title

* 2. If yes, what's your favorite thing about the Congress?

  very important somewhat important not important
Chance to see/learn from professional go players
Catch up with go friends
I like to travel
Play in tournament(s)

Question Title

* 3. If you have never attended a Go Congress, please tell us why.

  very important somewhat important not important
Don't usually participate in go events

Question Title

* 4. Please rate your interest in the following US Go Congress events

  very interested somewhat interested not interested
Pair Go (Unrated)
Pro Lectures
13x13 (Unrated)
Crazy Go (Unrated)
Day Off activities
DieHard (Day Off) Tournament (Rated)
Lightning (Unrated)
Pro Simuls
US Open (Rated)
9x9 Tournament (Unrated)
Pro Game Analysis
Women's Tournament (Rated)
Self-Paired (Rated)

Question Title

* 5. The 2016 US Go Congress will be held in Boston, MA; do you plan to attend?

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* 6. If no, what could the Congress offer that might interest you in attending?

Question Title

* 7. Do you have any other comments on the US Go Congress that you'd like to share?

Question Title

* 8. To be eligible for a go prize, please complete the info below.