The Christian Evaluation Survey

1.On a scale of 1 - 10, "10" being the highest, how pleased is Heaven concerning your walk with God?
2.In your opinion, what aspects of your Christian walk will you say really needs to be improved? Select as many as apply to you.
3.One of the leading roles of the Holy Spirit is to direct, guide and lead us in everyday life. How intimate will you say you are with the Holy Spirit?
4.How big of a challenge are the following parameters whenever you interact with non-Christians or have to give answers about Christ?
Great challenge
Quite a challenge
A bit of a challenge
Not a challenge
Not knowing what to say
Proving the existence of God
Fear of being asked a difficult question
Not knowing which Scripture to turn to
Lack of desire to give an explanation
Feeling incompetent to engage in such discussions
Fear of being influenced by the Unbeliever
Concern about offending or hurting the feelings of others
5.Success and failure have one thing in common; they both start with habits! When you place your journey (personal, professional, career, calling) under the "Microscope of Life", what is the ONE habit you must change in order to become more successful in life?
6.In what city and country are you based?
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered