Question Title

* 1. Which of the following categories best fits your company?

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your participation status at the 2023 Conference.(Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. How did you find out about the 2023 Conference?

Question Title

* 4. Is this the first year you participated in any capacity at the Conference?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the effectiveness of the promotional communication used to advertise the 2023 Conference - answer any or all that apply

  Unacceptable Poor Adequate Good Excellent
- Conference Website (
- Social Media (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
- Emailed E-Blasts
- Traditional Advertising in other Publications or other SPE Events

Question Title

* 6. 1.    Please rate the ease and effectiveness of the 2023 Conference registration process.

Question Title

* 7. 1.    Please rate the value of attending the Conference vs. the cost to attend (Registration Fees).

Question Title

* 8. If you are an Exhibitor (or Exhibiting Sponsor), please rate the overall value of the Conference vs. sponsorship or exhibitor costs

Question Title

* 9. 1.    Please enter the date for which you are providing feedback (All that apply)

Question Title

* 10. How do you rate the Keynote Speakers?

  Unacceptable Poor Fair/Adequate Good Excellent
Monday - Drew Winter - Informa Tech Automotive Group
Tuesday - Manoj Patnala - Rivian
Tuesday - Gustavo Lombardi - Braskem
Wednesday - Manojdeep Jasrotia - Caresoft Global

Question Title

* 11. Forum/Panel Discussion Feedback

  Poor Value Adequate Good Excellent Value
GM-led Sustainability Panel Discussion
RIVIAN-led Sustainability Panel Discussion
Executive Marketing Forum

Question Title

* 12. 1.    Please rate the following aspects of the Technical Sessions that you attended today:

  Unacceptable Poor Fair/Adequate Good Excellent
 Number of Sessions Offered Today
 Relevance of the Sessions Offered Today
Number of Papers per Session
 Relevance of the Papers presented in each Session

Question Title

* 13. Please indicate the Technical Sessions that you attended today.  Check each applicable

Question Title

* 14. 1.    Please Rate Overall the Technical Sessions that you attended

  Unacceptable Poor Fair/Adequate Good Excellent
Exterior Trim & Structural Applications
Polyolefin Elastomers & Vulcanizates
Process Enabling & Additive Technologies
Innovations in Interiors
Material Development
Performance Additives & Colorants

Question Title

* 15. If you have any suggestions regarding how we could improve the existing Technical Sessions in the future, or if there are new sessions or topic areas you’d like to see, or different ways to present, please enter them in the box below.

Question Title

* 16. 1.    Please rate the following aspects of the Conference Exhibition:

  Unacceptable Poor Adequate Good Excellent
- Hotel Facility for the Exhibit Area
- Placement of the Exhibitors
- Ease of Movement in Exhibitor Areas
- Number of Exhibitors
- Relevance of the Exhibitors
- Ability to Have a Discussion in Exhibit Areas

Question Title

* 17. 1.    Did the Networking Opportunities at the conference meet with your expectations?

Question Title

* 18. Are you planning on participating in this Conference in 2024?

Question Title

* 19. If you plan to attend in 2024, would you see value in continuing the hybrid event – containing a full live in-person and also virtual elements?

Question Title

* 20. If you have any suggestions regarding how we could improve the Conference in the future, please enter them in the box below.