Dear Resident,

We are proud to share that Licking County has recently joined the AARP Network of Age Friendly States and Communities. Over the next five years, we have committed to assess the current livability of the city and county and use that information to develop and implement an action plan to enhance out livability. We are committed to becoming a community for all ages. The most important part of being a livable community is hearing directly from you.

Licking County Aging Partners is launching the initiative with this assessment phase. We would like to thank Licking County Commissioners Duane Flowers, Rick Black, and Timothy E. Bubb for their support of this first phase of our five-year engagement with our communities. The Survey ask for your thoughts about the eight domains of livability; communication & information, civic participation & employment, housing, health & community services, outdoor spaces & buildings, transportation, social participation and respect & social inclusion.

We need your input to guide this process. The survey will take 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Please take a few moments to complete the survey.

To show our appreciations, we will be raffling off five $100 Kroger gift cards. To enter the raffle, please provide your first name, and your email address or phone number at the end of the survey. If you would like to opt out of the raffle, please leave the raffle entry fields blank. Your raffle entry will be separated from your survey. All survey responses will be anonymous and kept confidential.

Thank you for your participation in this very important project that will shape our community for current and future generations of older adults.