Evidence Aid Newsletter/Bulletin Insights Survey

We’re looking for your help as current Newsletter/Bulletin users to gather insights on:
  • How the newsletter/bulletin is currently used.
  • Your thoughts on the frequency, design, and content of the current newsletter/bulletin format, considering alterations that could be made to maximize newsletter/bulletin impact.

Gathering your thoughts on our Newsletter/Bulletin will ultimately help us tailor future Newsletters/Bulletins to your preferences. The survey should take you no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
1.What country do you live in?(Required.)
2.What language(s) do you speak?(Required.)
3.How satisfied are you with the readability of the current Newsletter/Bulletin, in terms of clarity (i.e. ease of reading/language understandability)(Required.)
4.How frequently do you use the links within the Newsletter/Bulletin to read the full Evidence Aid summaries?(Required.)
5.Are there any specific Newsletter/Bulletin topics you find most useful/engaging?(Required.)
6.How often would you ideally want to receive the Evidence Aid Newsletter/Bulletin? Note: the current Newsletters and Bulletins are shared on a bi-weekly basis(Required.)
7.On a scale of 1–5, how visually appealing do you find the current Evidence Aid Newsletter/Bulletin?(Required.)
8.Out of the following, what do you think would improve the Newsletter/Bulletin?(Required.)
9.Do you have any further feedback on the Evidence Aid Newsletter/Bulletin, considering what you think could be improved in future iterations?