GSE Host Interest Survey
2018-19 Australia -March 31-April 28, 2019

If your club is interested in hosting Group Study Exchange (GSE) please respond to the questions on this survey. This will notify inbound coordinator, Barbara Dolci, and enable her in developing a complete itinerary for the GSE team.

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* 1. Name of your Club

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* 2. Preferred contact Information for Club GSE Coordinator (your name)

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* 3. Preferred contact Information for Club President

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* 4. This Survey primarly focuses on the Australian Exchange opportunity.  However, two additional opportunities will be available in 2019 and 2020.  Please indicate if your club is interested in hosting those exchanges.  You may check as many as your club is willing to host.

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* 5. Please check the boxes below to indicate your club’s ability to provide the following:  [Your Club's complete itinerary will be requested by February 1.]

  Yes No Unsure
Home hosting, including meals.
An itinerary focused on local humanitarian service and volunteer projects, as well as vocational visits.
To effectively arrange vocational service days for team participants.  The 6040 GSE Leadership Team will provide additional support for coordinating meaningful vocational experiences for selected team members.  
[Note: Efforts are being made to coordinate two vocational days each week for each member.]
Entrance fees to events on the planned itinerary, if required.
Contact of Rotary clubs in your area to arrange visits to other Rotary clubs and the inclusion of Rotarians from other clubs in social and cultural events.
Transportation to and from the club’s host area and as needed to implement the itinerary.
Optional – small gifts or club banners for exchanges.

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* 6. Please list your ideas for vocational visits in your area for each of these occupations

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* 7. Please list examples of humanitarian service and volunteer projects in your area to which you would take the team.  This will help the inbound coordinator avoid duplication in the schedule.

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* 8. Please list examples of social and cultural events in your community to which you would take the team.  This will help the inbound coordinator avoid duplication in the schedule.

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* 9. Names of clubs you would contact to arrange joint or concurrent events or presentations at club meetings. We recognize that this is dependent upon the dates the team would be in your area.

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* 10. Please identify the date and time that your club meets. Please also identify any special Rotary or Community events that the Australians would particularly enjoy. 

If you have questions, please contact Inbound Coordinator Barbara Dolci at, (913) 669-2628 or GSE Chair Rolfe McCoy, (660) 752-3900,