Thank you for taking five minutes to give back to your community. Your response will be an invaluable contribution to the initial stage of our Community Climate Conversation project that aims to facilitate a youth-led community response to climate change and its impacts on community, mental well-being and the cost of living in Camborne, Carn Brea and Redruth.

Together, lets strengthen our community.

Please see the glossary of terms at the end of the survey if you are confused about any key words.

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* 1. What's your postcode? This survey is completely anonymous, but your postcode helps make sure we are hearing from people specifically within the Redruth, Camborne and Carn Brea area. Please enter school or college postcode if this applies to you.

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* 2. How old are you? Please mark the relevant box which applies to you

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* 3. Did you know that Cornwall Council has a Climate Emergency Action Plan in place?

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* 4. Did you know your Town Council has a Climate Emergency Action Plan already in place?

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* 5. Would you be interested in learning more about your local Council's Climate Action Plan?

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* 6. Have you ever engaged in a Community Conversation about Climate Change or Restorative Justice before?

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* 7. Have you ever had a conversation about the Climate Emergency and how this may be linked to Increased food and heating costs?

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* 8. Have you ever spoken to someone about the connection between the Climate Emergency and worsening emotional health?

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* 9. Which, if any, of the following answers describe how you feel about Climate Change, pollution, and the threat to nature? Select all that apply.

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* 10. How concerned are you about the impact of Climate Change on food availability and prices in your area?

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* 11. Would you be interested in future Community Conversation about how to address such issues, and how to get involved? If 'Yes' please make sure you provide your email at the bottom of this survey so we can be in touch.

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* 12. How concerned are you for family and friends in the context of Climate Change, and does their future motivate you to create change?

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* 13. What motivates you to take action against Climate Change, pollution, and the threat these pose to nature? Select your top 3.

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* 14. Who do you believe can make the most difference to Climate Change in our community? Rank from 1 (most difference) to 6 (least difference).

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* 15. Do you believe that Community-Led Action Plans could be more effective than individually tackling Climate Change?

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* 16. Which methods of community engagement would you most likely participate in or want to see in your community? Select all that apply.

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* 17. What do you see as the biggest obstacles to taking individual action against Climate Change? Rank these from 1 (biggest obstacle) to 5 (smallest obstacle).

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* 18. Would you be interested in meeting with other people in your local community to discuss and plan how best to respond locally to the Climate Emergency?

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* 19. If you have any comments or would like to provide a means of contact, please provide it here if not done already. If you have any further comments or suggestions about this survey, please do share these with us.

Thank You for taking the time to provide valuable information for your Community.

Have a lovely day


*Climate Change in Cornwall: unbalanced natural systems causing extreme heat, extreme cold, higher windspeeds, flooding, coastal erosion, rising sea levels & forced relocation of people.

*Climate Emergency: the urgent need for change to protect your local area from the impacts of climate change.

*Pollution: the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.

*Community: a group of people living in the same place, with a shared characteristic or a common goal.

*Community Engagement: talking with people in a community to hear their ideas and concerns.