
Windsor Central Supervisory Union is undertaking a strategic planning process to examine the skills, knowledge, and mindsets our students need to be best prepared for their personal, civic, and work lives in our quickly changing world.  The Portrait of a Graduate (POG) work, as part of the strategic planning process, aims to communicate the learning expectations we have for our graduates.  We kindly seek your input on the expectations we've included in our Portrait of a Graduate (POG) below:

Portrait of a Graduate Community Sessions

There will be five community sessions over the next month to discuss about shifts in our society that impact how we prepare our students. This is important information for the  Windsor Central Supervisory Union strategic planning process. Your reaction to this information informs how we'll weight this information in our strategic planning. The community sessions are scheduled as follows:

1)  WUHSMS Middle School Gym, Woodstock on October 3 at 6:00pm
2) Bridgewater Grange, Bridgewater on October 10 at 6:00pm
3) Barnard Town Hall, Barnard on October 10 at 6pm
4) Reading Elementary School, Reading on October 11 at 6pm
5) The Foundry, Killington on October 15 at 6pm

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* 1. Please indicate your primary affiliation with Windsor Central Supervisory District Schools (knowing you may have several roles with the district, please choose the one that most influences your thinking about the strategic direction of the schools)

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* 2. Do you plan to attend / or did you attend one of the Portrait of a Graduate community sessions?

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* 3. How much do you agree with the general direction of the 5 competencies shown below (i.e, self-direction, critical problem solving, etc.)? (If disagree/strongly disagree, please include reason in comment box for Question 6)

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Windsor Central Supervisory Union Portrait of a Graduate Competencies

Windsor Central Supervisory Union Portrait of a Graduate Competencies

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* 4. Which of the listed attributes do you support for graduates to possess? (please check all that apply)

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* 5. I support the POG competencies for preparing Windsor Central student success in the following life areas (please check all that apply)

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* 6. Are there any additional comments you'd like Windsor Central to consider?

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* 7. Would you like a Windsor Central staff member follow up with you regarding your feedback?

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* 8. If answered "Yes" above, please see my name and email below

Thank you very much for sharing your valuable input with us.  With your feedback, we can continue to serve the community's best interests in educating WindsorCentral students.