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Are you one of America’s top loan originators?

Each year, Mortgage Professional America lists the $150 Million Club for Originators who have managed to originate more than $150 million in residential loans during the previous year.

If you are one of the elite few who can meet the criteria, then we’d like to hear from you.

Just take a few minutes to complete this short survey and let the rest of the country know about your success. This survey closes on February 26, 2021.

This exclusive special report will be published in MPA's online publication in April 2021.

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* 1. How much did you personally originate between 1 Jan 2020 - 31 Dec 2020 (in US$)?

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* 2. How many loans made up that figure?

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* 3. Of that amount, approximately how much was (please specify in US$):

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* 4. Roughly how much would you say was the following type of loan:

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* 5. As one of America’s top originators, what advice can you give newcomers to the profession?

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* 6. Please enter your details below. By sending in this survey, you acknowledge the information provided is correct to the best of your ability and if you are selected, the information provided may be published whole or by part by MPA (other than your contact details).

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