20 Year Anniversary Survey

Idaho Smart Growth is turning 20 in 2020! This anniversary is a time for reflection and for looking ahead. We are undertaking a strategic planning effort and would be grateful for your input. Please take our short survey and help us plan for another 20 years!

All responses are anonymous. If you would prefer to share your ideas in a phone interview feel free to contact either of our volunteers who are leading this process: Pete Friedman - pfaicp@yahoo.com, Diane Kushlan - dkushlan@fiberpipe.net

Idaho Smart Growth is an independent, statewide 501c3 nonprofit organization. More info at www.idahosmartgrowth.org.

Please share all the feedback you can. And it’s OK if you don’t have a response to all the questions.

Question Title

* 1. What is your connection with ISG?

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* 2. The mission of ISG is to bring people together to make great places to live by promoting transportation and housing choices; encouraging compact and efficient development; conserving resources and working lands; and fostering community collaboration and identity.

How well do you feel ISG is meeting this mission?

Question Title

* 3. Of the four components of ISG’s mission what do you think are the most important?

Please rank the following from 1-4 with 1 being the most important.

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* 4. Is the mission of ISG still relevant to the future land use, transportation and community needs within Idaho?

How relevant is ISG’s mission to the future?

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* 5. ‘‘ISG is a recognized leader in smart growth.”

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* 6. In recent years, ISG has engaged in a variety of program areas.

Please indicate on a scale of 1-5, how valuable ISG’s work is in these areas, with 5 being the greatest value.

  1 - Least Value 2 3 4 5 - Greatest Value
Transportation Choices
(Safe Routes to School, supporting complete streets, promoting multimodal and transit options)
Community Assistance
(technical assistance to communities and partnerships, including planning for wildfire, growth and housing options)
(community development including pop-ups, public space designs and a focus on rural Idaho)
Education and Advocacy
(Citizens’ Planning Academy, lectures and events, lobbying)
Grow Smart Awards
(celebration of laudable projects statewide)

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* 7. As a non-profit, resources are limited and we are not always able to accomplish everything we know is important.

Please help us by listing the top five programs or activities you think are most important for us to concentrate on.

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* 8. For much of our work, ISG is dependent on donations, which have been declining for several years. What suggestions do you have for increasing this support?

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* 9. What are the challenges ahead for the organization? What changes does ISG need to make? 

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* 10. Other comments that would help us plan for the future: