
As a supplier to our organisation, your participation in this survey is vitally important for a number of reasons:
  • Supplier engagement is key to our social enterprise commitment.
  • Your risk is our risk, and we need to understand your business.
  • Action against modern slavery, policies of diversity and inclusion, and environmental focus are fundamental to Y Services.
  • Our expectation is for suppliers to help us reduce these risks to our operations and within our supply chains.
As we look towards the future and how we can continue to establish ourselves as a respected and ethical provider of our services externally, we need to ask a few questions. All responses are treated confidentially and will only be used to determine next steps.

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Work email address:

Question Title

* 3. Position or job title:

Question Title

* 4. Business name:

Question Title

* 5. Australian Business Number or other:

Question Title

* 6. Estimate of annual revenue in AUD? (consolidated for all companies in your group):

Question Title

* 7. Business website URL:

Question Title

* 8. Business phone number:

Question Title

* 9. Is your business head office located outside of Australia?

Question Title

* 10. Select one of the following three categories to best describe your business?

Question Title

* 11. What main category do you represent

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* 12. In which country or countries are your product(s) manufactured?

Question Title

* 13. Please select the answer that applies in relation to the number of direct and indirect staff and / or employees in your operation:

Question Title

* 14. Provide examples of any social enterprise work that your business undertakes. e.g. donations, employment programs.

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* 15. How is your business committed to diversity and inclusion? e.g. gender targets, Reconciliation Action Plan

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* 16. Please share any documentation that you have that may be relevant to the following - e.g. Social Audit reports, Human Rights/Modern Slavery Policy, Training certificates, Code of Conduct, Ethical Sourcing Policy, ISO 9001:2015 Certification.

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