Health awareness of male urology patients and any barriers you face in supporting them

About the survey

The survey forms part of The Urology Foundation's activities for our annual Urology Awareness Month. This year, the theme of the month is 'Men’s Urology Health: Myths & Legends'.

The Urology Foundation has developed and is running this survey and will use the results to support our Urology Awareness Month campaign. The survey has been kindly supported by Coloplast.

Male Urology Patient Health Literacy
We are all aware that men’s health outcomes have been a source of concern for many years. Many factors contribute to this issue, including:
  • Lack of contact with primary care
  • Men attend GP Surgeries at least a third less than women during their working years contributing to a reduction in health awareness.
  • No defined men’s specific health screening (until AAA at age 65+)
  • Health initiatives traditionally having a female focus and not ‘reaching men’
  • Deeply embedded ‘ societal norms’ of not wishing to appear ‘weak’
  • Following the information gleaned from male relatives and friends
However, things are changing. Greater awareness is being raised, helped by the charity sector and movements such as Movember, which have been incredibly effective in male-specific health messaging. However, most advocates in the male health space agree that more needs to be done.

Thank you for taking the time to think about this area of your practice.

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* 1. How well do you think your average male patients understand their urology health?

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* 2. How many of your male urology patients do you believe waited too long before seeing a healthcare professional about their symptoms?

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* 3. Which of the following myths do you encounter most often among your male patients? (Select all that apply)

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* 4. Do you think common myths and misunderstandings about male urology health affect patient outcomes?

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* 5. What do you think surprises men the most in urology health? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. What worries men the most about urology health? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. What one change would make the biggest positive impact for your continuing education in order to benefit your patients?

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* 8. What barriers do you face in accessing training and education related to urology?