Help us develop the future

Thank you for taking time to help Wilson Tool International develop our next generation e-Business center. Your input is important to us and will help us shape the future.

Question Title

* 1. Which of these functionalities do you most commonly use on the e-Business center? (choose all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. What additional functionality would you like to see included in the next generation e-Business site that isn’t available today

Question Title

* 3. Prioritize the current e-Business functions based on your business needs.

  Most Important Somewhat Important Important Somewhat Not Important Not Important
Create a quote
Create a new order
Create a replacement order (re-order)
Review order tracking numbers
Review order history
Access invoicing
Access drawings: Front of jobs
Access drawings: Assembly
Access templates for quoting
Access templates for ordering

Question Title

* 4. Is there anything else you would like us to know about your e-business needs?

Thank you for taking time to give us your input. We appreciate your partnership.


Wilson Tool International