Thank you for taking this ACRRM survey which comprises 5 free text questions.

The College has been invited to provide feedback to the Department of Health on its Discussion Paper outlining a range of proposed reform opportunities for general practice training employment arrangements. The GPRA have also provided a Statement on these issues.

The Department’s Paper recognises that recent interest in GP training is in decline (it should be noted that this decline is largely reflective of declining rural and remote enrolments). The paper cites a range of probably factors contributing to this decline and explores potential employment models for trainees that may address these and encourage stronger enrolments.

Key issues identified include:
• Gap between the pay rates for hospital doctors and those for GP registrars.
• Particularly low rates of income for registrars’ initial 12 months in general practice (to both practice and registrar) while registrars’ billing capacity is low and supervision needs are high
• Loss of accrued employment entitlements as registrars move between the hospital system to private practice for training purposes. This is especially applicable to RG trainees.
• Registrar work-readiness may be limited due to inadequate access to, or unsuitable prevocational training.
• Reliance on registrars for practice/service needs which may conflict with training needs

This survey seeks your comments with regard to each of the 4 proposed reform opportunities (you may endorse any, all or none of these), and provides an opportunity to make any additional comments. Note all feedback will be de-identified.

We would value your feedback as a College member to inform our advice to the Department.

Please feel free to contact Mary Jane Streeton at if you would like further details or would prefer to provide your feedback in this format.