We are excited about the launch of our new Blunami wireless decoder, and we know that many of you are as well. This survey is NOT for any previous BlueRail products. This survey is only for users who have controlled our new Blunami, BLU-2200 with the Blunami app. Do not proceed with this form if you have not used the Blunami App with the BLU-2200 decoder.

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* 1. First and Last Name 

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* 2. Email

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* 3. Have you installed a Blunami decoder AND controlled it with the Blunami app?

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* 4. What command station are you currently using to control your trains?

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* 5. What is your voltage is set to?

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* 6. Have you properly tested the stall current on your locomotive?

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* 7. Are you currently experiencing any power interruptions on your track?

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* 8. Now that you have the ability to operate your trains with Blunami using the Blunami app, which of the following best applies:

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* 9. In what scenarios would you prefer using DCC over the Blunami app?

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* 10. Have you experienced any issues while running the decoder in DCC or DC mode (not using the app)?

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* 11. Using the Blunami app: What do you like about the app?

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* 12. Using the Blunami app: What do you dislike about the app? 

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* 13. Using the Blunami app: What, if anything, would make the app easier to use / how can we improve upon it?

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* 14. Did you experience any errors or bugs while controlling the decoder from the Blunami app? 

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* 15. Did you have any trouble switching back and forth between DCC and Bluetooth (app) mode?

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* 16. Using the Blunami app: Have you tried using the consist function?

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* 17. Using the Blunami app: Did you try the Dynamic Digital Exhaust Calibration feature? 

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* 18. Using the Blunami app: Did you try changing sound selections, volume, reverb, etc.?

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* 19.  Using the Blunami app: Did you try using the functions 1-28 menu? 

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* 20. Have you experienced any other kind of issues while operating your Blunami sound decoder?

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* 21. Please contribute any final thoughts about our new Blunami sound decoders.