IF you qualify after being fully screened via the phone you will need to show legal USA ID as well as proof of auto ownership.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information so that we may contact you:

Question Title

* 2. Are you a current citizen of the USA living in the United States?

Question Title

* 3. What is your age?

Question Title

* 4. When was the last time, if ever, you participated in a paid marketing research study and what was the topic?

Question Title

* 5. What region of the USA do you live in?

Question Title

* 6. Have you, or has any member of your immediate family, or a close friend, worked for, or had any special knowledge of any of the following types of businesses?

Question Title

* 7. With which gender do you most identify with?

Question Title

* 8. How do you describe yourself?

Question Title

* 9. Which best describes your education and employment status?

Question Title

* 10. What is your Occupation & Industry in which you work?

Question Title

* 11. Which best describes the highest level of education you have had a chance to complete?

Question Title

* 12. We are hoping to speak to people from households who represent various income levels. Which best describes your current total annual household income?

Question Title

* 13. Which of the following statements best describes your current relationship status?

Question Title

* 14. How many children are you parent or guardian for and live in your household (under 18), if any?

What is/are their Gender(s)/Age(s)?

Question Title

* 15. Do you have a current and valid driver's license?

Question Title

* 16. On a scale of 1-5, where 5 means you are “Very Interested” and 1 means you “Not At All Interested”, how interested are you on automotive-related topics? This may include interest in latest news, new models, trends, etc.

Question Title

* 17. Different people have different ways to stay engaged with what is happening with anything automotive-related e.g. latest news, new models, trends, etc.

What are some of the ways, if any, in which you engage with automotive-related topics?

Select all that apply....

Question Title

* 18. What role will you have in the purchase or lease of the next new vehicle for yourself?

Question Title

* 19. What is the Model Year, Make, and Model of all the vehicles currently in your household?

Question Title

* 20. Which of these vehicles is your primary vehicle, the one you personally drive most often?

Question Title

* 21. And when did you purchase your most recent vehicle?

Question Title

* 22. Please specify which Make / Model / Year of vehicle you purchased within the past 18 months?

Question Title

* 23. When you were making that most recent purchase, which of the following vehicle brands, if any, did you consider at any point during your purchase process?

Please select all vehicle brands that you considered including any brands you were first thinking about, added during the purchase journey or during dealership/website visits.

Question Title

* 24. What kind of powertrain does your most recently purchased vehicle have?

Question Title

* 25. Did you buy or lease this vehicle new or used?

Question Title

* 26. Which of the following statements best describes how often you drive this vehicle?

Question Title

* 27. How involved were you in the decision to purchase this vehicle?

Question Title

* 28. When do you expect to purchase or lease your next vehicle, for you to drive?

Question Title

* 29. Will you purchase or lease your next vehicle?

Question Title

* 30. Will you purchase or lease your next vehicle new or used?

Question Title

* 31. IF PURCHASING (Not Leasing) NEXT NEW VEHICLE: Approximately how much do you intend to spend on your next new vehicle?

Question Title

* 32. IF LEASING YOUR NEXT NEW VEHICLE: Approximately how much do you intend to spend on your next new vehicle?

Question Title

* 33. How likely are you to consider purchasing or leasing a vehicle from each of the following auto manufacturers?

  Not at all likely Not very likely Somewhat likely Very likely

Question Title

* 34. Are you most likely to purchase a luxury, or non-luxury, brand for your next new vehicle?

Question Title

* 35. What kind of powertrain are you open to purchasing for your next vehicle?

Select all that apply....

Question Title

* 36. How likely are you to consider purchasing each of the following brands in the future?

  Not at all likely Not very likely Somewhat likely Very likely

Question Title

* 37. Next I want to talk about how you feel about three specific vehicle brands, whether you currently own it or not. Specifically: Ford, Nissan and Toyota.

On a scale to 1-5 how likely are you to recommend this brand to a friend

  Definitely wouldn't recommend Not likely to recommend Might recommend Likely to recommend Definitely would recommend

Question Title

* 38. On a scale of 1=“it’s just a brand” to 5=“I absolutely love everything about this brand”, how would you describe each of these brands?

  1-It's just a brand 2 3 4 5-I love everything about this brand

Question Title

* 39. For the following questions please think about how a close friend would describe you to others....

"I am usually the first of my family or friends to try out the latest technologies."

Question Title

* 40. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following elements of how you would describe what a “successful life” personally means to you. Please indicate how important the following attribute is to you....

"Leaving my mark on the world"

Question Title

* 41. For each statement, please indicate the extent to which you personally agree or disagree with the statement.

  1-Strongly disagree 2-Somewhat disagree 3-Neither agree nor disagree 4-Somewhat agree 5-Strongly agree
I am open to experimenting with new experiences and adventures
Luck, not hard work determines someone’s success in life

Question Title

* 42. Please look at the following Life Value and select an answer using a scale of 1 to 7 where ‘1’ means the value is not at all important and ‘7’ means the value is extremely important to you as a guiding principle in your life.


Question Title

* 43. Thinking about the general attitudes and opinions about vehicles, how well does the following statement reflect your opinions and attitudes toward vehicles? A ‘1’ means you Strongly Disagree and a ‘5’ means you Strongly Agree. You can use any number in-between.

"I want a vehicle that is exceptionally fun to drive"

Question Title

* 44. Now I am going to read a list of statements people have used to describe themselves.

Using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “Strongly Disagree” and 6 means “Strongly Agree”. Can you tell me how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

  1-Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6-Strongly agree
a) I spend as much time as possible outdoors (e.g., hiking, camping)
b) When buying a new vehicle, value (e.g., resale, features) is the more important for me than price.
c) When I buy a vehicle, being able to transport large items is very important
d) I associate my vehicle with being free
e) It is important for my vehicle to have the most up-to-date features (e.g., app marketplace, self-parking, hands-free highway driving)
f) I would pay more to have the best interior comfort features (e.g., heated/cooled seats, spaciousness)
g) I could easily live with the image projected by a low cost vehicle
h) I would only consider an American made vehicle
i) To me my vehicle is not just a means of transportation, it is an extension of my personality
j) I would consider purchasing a fully electric vehicle as my next vehicle
k) When buying a new vehicle, low price with the most important factor for me
l) I am willing to pay a higher price to get all the features I want
m) Many of my hobbies are centered around the vehicle I drive
n) I consider a vehicle to be a means of transport rather than a source of pleasure

Question Title

* 45. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be? Why would you want to have that quality or ability? What would be great about it? And what might you worry about?

Question Title

* 46. During your discussion, it is recommended that you use a headset or earbuds that include a microphone. Please let us know if you currently have a headset or earbuds?

Question Title

* 47. During this discussion, you must attend the meeting in a private space where you can give the discussion your full attention, similar to how it would be if the meeting were in person. Will you have a quiet place without disturbances where you can attend the meeting?

Question Title

* 48. In advance of the discussion, you will need to complete an online pre-task that will ask you to respond to 4 questions. This should take no more than 30 min to complete, and you must do this in advance of the group discussion. Will you complete the pre-task 24 hours or more in advance of the group discussion?

Question Title

* 49. If selected for the 90-minute discussion, which Dates/Times would you be available?

Please note times are listed in Eastern Time Zone!

Select all that apply....