Thank you for taking part in our survey of river birds!

We are looking for your sightings of river birds this spring and summer, as well as from breeding seasons back as far as 2004, to help us examine links between water quality and biodiversity.

Thanks to a STRIVE Small-Scale Study grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) we are looking to gather details on the distribution of riverine birds, and to relate analyse these locations in relation to water quality. These bird species rely on healthy fish and/ or invertebrate communities to survive and for successful breeding. We would like to examine if there is a relationship between their abundance and distribution and the water quality of our rivers and streams, and if their distributions reflect the condition of these waterways for other biodiversity.

Further details about the survey and about waterways birds can be found here.

This survey questionnaire aims to capture details of your sightings of waterways birds between 2004 and the present season. We are looking for breeding season records only, between mid-March and mid-June in any year of that period. Please complete a separate questionnaire per river or visit, and complete the questionnaire even if you saw no riverine birds.

Please proceed to complete the questionnaire. Or Contact Us if you have lots of records.

Thanks for your interest in this survey.