Meeting Questions

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* 1. I work for a (check one)

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* 2. I am (check one)

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* 3. I attended the following days of the State/Tribal/Federal Coordination Meeting:

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* 4. How much did you learn/ become familiar with during the meeting that you can apply to your wetland work?

Less Learning Brain is Full

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* 5. How useful were the peer-to-peer sharing and networking elements of the meeting?

Less Useful Very Useful

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* 6. What did you think were the best/most useful parts of the meeting?

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* 7. Were there parts of the meeting that NAWM can improve?

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* 8. Are there topics or speakers that you would recommend for next year’s Annual Meeting? You can include topics covered this year to continue to include or topics we have overlooked.

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* 9. What can NAWM keep or start doing that would be most helpful to you?

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* 10. How would you rate the following aspects of the meeting organization?

  Poor Fair Good Excellent N/A
Outreach to attendees
Communications leading up to meeting
Organization of meeting agenda
Overall Rating

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* 11. Please let us know anything else you would like to share with NAWM about this meeting.

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* 12. How was your experience with the facilities, meals and services at the NCTC?

Needs Improvement Everything Great