Boaters' Perspective on Aquatic Invasive Species 

The BoatUS Foundation is looking for your input on aquatic invasive species (AIS).

For the purpose of this survey, aquatic invasive species (AIS) include organisms that can be transported by boat and gear (such as zebra mussels and quagga mussels) as well as invasive fish (such as lionfish, snakehead, etc), aquatic plants or weeds (such as hydrilla, Eurasian watermilfoil, etc) and waterborne pathogens (such as VHS or Largemouth Bass Virus). 
1.State(s) where you most frequently operate your boat?
2.Do AIS have an impact on the waterways where you boat?
3.What types of waterways do you boat on?
4.How aware are you of the impacts of AIS on the waterways where you boat?
5.How concerned are you about impacts that AIS poses to:
the health of your waterways
your boating access
the cost of boating
your personal health 
6.How much additional money do you spend annually to prevent the spread of AIS or otherwise comply with AIS rules and regulations? (This could be boat inspections, fees, etc)
7.Do you take action to prevent the spread of AIS?
8.What actions do you take voluntarily to combat AIS?
9.What actions are you required to take to combat AIS to go boating on your waterways?
10.Do you feel like you have clear guidance from local, state, tribal or Federal authorities as to the rules and regulations that you must follow as a boater regarding AIS?
11.Do rules and regulations around AIS conflict based on who manages the waterway access?
12.Has access been limited, restricted or closed because of AIS on the waters where you boat?
13.Did you decide not to go boating or boat elsewhere because the AIS rules on a particular waterway were too strict or confusing? 
14.Did Covid or a government shutdown prevent you from accessing a waterway because you couldn’t get a watercraft inspection?
15.What do you feel is working (on a local, state, tribal or Federal level) to help address AIS?
16.What do you feel is NOT working (on a local, state, tribal or Federal level) to help address AIS?
17.What is your greatest concern regarding AIS?
18.Any additional comments or feedback?