English Español (México) English Lake Arrowhead Rotary Senior Center Needs Assessment Question Title * 1. What is your age? 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older Question Title * 2. Are you currently a resident of the Lake Arrowhead community? a) Yes-full time b) Yes-part time c) Visitor-more than 2 weeks a year d) Visitor-less than 2 weeks a year Question Title * 3. How often do you engage in social activities within the community in the Summer? Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Question Title * 4. How often do you engage in social activities within the community in the Winter? Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never Question Title * 5. What are the barriers for you to engage in social activities within the community? Transportation Cost Availability Emotional Question Title * 6. What types of activities would you like to see offered at a senior center? Exercises Classes Arts and Crafts Educational Workshops Social Events Health and Wellness Programs Recreational Outings Indoor pickle ball Question Title * 7. What is your income bracket? Under $15,000 Between $15,000 and $29,999 Between $30,000 and $49,999 Between $50,000 and $74,999 Between $75,000 and $99,999 Between $100,000 and $150,000 Over $150,000 Question Title * 8. How important is it for the senior center to be on the Mountain Transit system? Very important Important Neutral Not so important Not at all important Question Title * 9. Would you be interested in volunteer opportunities at the senior center? Yes No Question Title * 10. What amenities do you believe are essential for a senior center? Dining Area Outdoor seating/Garden area Library Computer access/internet Game Room Quiet Room/Reading Indoor Pickle Ball Question Title * 11. How important is it for the senior center to offer meal services through the County’s free meal service program? Very important Important Neutral Not important Not at all important Question Title * 12. Would you prefer the senior center to have a dedicated space for specific interest groups (e.g., book club, knitting group)? Yes No Question Title * 13. How accessible should the senior center be in terms of seasons open? (select all that apply) Year Round Spring and Summer Fall and Winter Neutral Question Title * 14. What days of the week are you most likely to visit a senior center? (Select all that apply) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Question Title * 15. How important is it for the senior center to have access to information about healthcare services (e.g., health screenings, mental health information, consultations)? Very important Important Neutral Not important Question Title * 16. What factors would influence your decision to participate in activities at the senior center? (Select all that apply) Cost Proximity to home Variety of activities offered Quality of facilities (ADA amenities-not too steep) Availability of Mountain Transit service Question Title * 17. What hours of operation would be most convenient for you to visit the senior center? Morning (8am-12pm) Afternoon (12pm-4pm) Evening (4pm-8pm) All Day Question Title * 18. How likely are you to utilize a senior center if one were established in the Lake Arrowhead community? Very likely Likely Unlikely In months I can not exercise outdoors Very Unlikely Question Title * 19. Would you like to donate to assist us in establishing a Senior Center in Lake Arrowhead? Yes No More details Question Title * 20. There is a need for a senior center in the Lake Arrowhead community? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree We are looking for a suitable location, and need donations of building(s) or below-market leases to make this happen. If you have any suggestions or possible contacts, please e-mail @ lakearrowheadseniors@gmail.com Done