Statewide, day-long vigil on September 1, 2023

We invite you to come together in support of Maui—a day of emotional and spiritual healing that is rooted in Native Hawaiian practices with leaders from diverse faiths, sectors, and backgrounds.
Mahalo for taking part in this collective effort for Maui’s people and ‘āina.
Please let us know how you plan to participate:

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* 1. Name of Church/Business/Organization

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* 2. Address of Church/Business/Organization

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* 3. I am planning to hold an in-place vigil at my location and stream one or all of the ceremonies online. Please select all that apply:

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* 4. If you will be holding an in-place vigil, is the public welcome to attend?

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* 5. Will you share video or photos from your gathering with us on social media?

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* 6. Contact's Name

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* 7. Contact's Email

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* 8. Contact's Phone

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* 9. Other comments