Historic Rugby Cafe Survey

Currently, Rugby’s Harrow Road Café is closed for renovations (a new HVAC system, a thorough cleaning, other building repairs). During this time, we are re-evaluating our model for café operations, since it has lost money for the last several years. We see this as an opportunity for improvement and re-invention, and we’re inviting Rugby residents, Historic Rugby members, and visitors familiar with the Harrow Road Café to share impressions and suggestions for improvement going forward. Historic Rugby, a non-profit organization, seeks to restore, preserve, and interpret the man-made and natural resources of the Rugby Colony for the education and benefit of all people.

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* 1. How many years have you eaten at the Harrow Road Café at least occasionally?

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* 2. During the past year, how often have you typically eaten at the Harrow Road Café?

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* 3. Please describe a typical party for your visits:

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* 4. When did you typically eat at the Café?