The Ion Center and Green Dot Rural 
2023 Pet Costume Contest

Why is creating safer communities important to you? Choose your favorite pet submissions in three categories (scariest, cutest, and most creative). Winner will be announced October 31st!
1.Buddy - It's important because when I go for walks I wanna see people happy
2.Kona - Because all people deserve to be safe.
3. Jaxon - A safer community is a healthier and happier community. I should be able to take a walk without the fear of violence, of something scaring me.
4.Roscoe - I was able to reconnect with mom when it was safe 
5.Sassy - When people feel safe, they feel respected and valued and begin to practice self-care, taking advantage of health, social, natural, and educational resources 
6.Goku - Safer communities means safer homes. Safer homes mean safer forever homes for stray and shelter animals! Like I once was! Safe communities makes for happy and healthy people and pets.
7.Nola Jean - y parents keep me safe but still can't protect me from strange dogs that come into my yard. I'm a little timid when I first meet a hooman or other dog but I'm sweet when I get to know you. But it scares me when I see stray dogs come close. I wish every animal could have parents like mine. In my picture I'm wearing my Mommas ta ta tote she made. My Momma is a breast cancer survivor
8.Rascal - So that we all have a safe place to live work and play!